keep going, keep learning



Embedding-Based News Recommendation for Millions of Users

1. Introduction

Imagine you are in a subway and on the way to work. You feel so jaded because this will take you one hour to get to your company, so you take out your smartphone and open the web browser to read some news.

Always, the browser will show you some news on the first page, and there may be some most recent shocking news, which will make you feel interested in, or all these first-page news may be boring and let you feel even fatigued in the subway.

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App Development

Safe Back School App: Smart Tracing for School Reopening


Instructed by Pradeep Ray and Fethi Rabhi

We are all in our “time of cholera”. The only difference is that in our world, cholera is replaced with a much more fierce disease, COVID-19. The current pandemic has caused a series of serious problems to all humankinds, including life threats, economic crashes and most significantly, stoppage in almost every industry.

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Whether Human Nature Is Good or Bad?

Mengzi thinks that “human nature is good“, while Xunzi thinks that “human nature is bad“. Mengzi says that “the feeling of commiseration is essential to man” and thinks human nature to be the sympathy towards the person who is in suffer . Xunzi disagrees with him and says this is not true.

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